What makes the Peters-Boyd (PB) Academy unique? We ask our current students to share their experiences.
What stood out for you at PB?
The shuttle! - We understand if anyone has reservations about commuting, but we’ve found that riding the shuttle is a great opportunity to bond with your classmates. It’s also nice to have a little down time carved out of your day for napping, listening to podcasts, or chatting with friends.
Dr. Piliotis - also affectionately known as Dr. P - is passionate about the wellbeing of PB students! She is always available for a chat and holds events - like barbeques! - throughout the year.
Fantastic tutors - Our tutors are dedicated to teaching and providing a fun learning environment for students! (Not to mention that they sometimes provide free coffee and food!)
Green goddess panini - Found exclusively at Harlequin’s Cafeteria in Sunnybrook Hospital. A delicious, greasy, gooey mess of cheese and avocado that is sure to wreck the GI system of anyone who is lactose intolerant.
Great mix of hospitals with different types of medicine - We have a fantastic mix of medicine across our three hospital sites - Sunnybrook Hospital, North York General Hospital, and Women’s College Hospital: inpatient, ambulatory, community, and academic!
What makes PB special?
If any of the points listed above have not convinced you yet, Sunnybrook Hospital is the busiest and largest trauma centre in Canada.
How do students feel learning at PB?
One Thursday afternoon before CBL, Margaret, the education coordinator at Sunnybrook, popped her head into the student lounge to tell us that there was free food left over from another event for us to take. During CBL, my group and our tutor ate a cake that we had baked to celebrate our last session together. On the shuttle ride back downtown, we passed around a giant box of timbits that one of our classmates had bought to share. Ultimately, the fact that Peters-Boyd is a smaller academy makes a noticeable difference in how easily you can forge friendships and how tight-knit our cohort feels. We definitely feel supported by our tutors, our education coordinators, and Dr. P.