Admission Stats

Students in the MD Program are both academically strong and from a diverse range of academic backgrounds.

Entering Years 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Number of Application 4290 4263 4302 4319 3940 3553 3265 3167 3121 3488 3463
Number of Interviewees 640 639 638 633 631 636 639 607 599 599 600
Percentage of Applications (Male:Female:Unreported) 40:56:4 39:54:7 39:56:05 36:53:11 37:50:13 40:50:10 47:53:00 48:52:00 48:52:00 49:51:00 50:50:00
Percentage of Acceptances (Male:Female:Unreported) 34:62:04 36:59:05 27:65:08 35:55:10 35:52:13 38:52:10 43:57:00 47:53:00 40:60:00 48:52:00 50:50:00
Average Accepted GPA* 3.95 3.93 3.94 3.96 3.95 3.96 3.96 3.95 3.95 3.96 3.94

*The average accepted GPA includes weighted GPA when applicable.

What type of degree did our 2024 first-year MD students study before applying?

Chart data

Non degree & 3-year Bachelor's 4-year Bachelor's Graduate & Professional
67 174 50

Which universities did our 2024 first-year MD students previously attend?

Chart data

Toronto McMaster Ottawa Queen's Western Other Ontario Other Canadian & International
47 86 15 32 37 38 36