2020 Virtual NIH Graduate & Professional School Fair
Come meet the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine on August 5th! We are participating in the 2020 Virtual National Institute of Health Graduate & Professional School Fair. This fair provides an opportunity for University students, high school students, postdocs, and NIH trainees to prepare for their next steps in their careers by exploring educational programs leading to the MD, MD-PhD, health research graduate programs, and professional degrees.
You will have direct interactions with recruitment officers and program directors to obtain a vivid experience of studying at the University of Toronto. You will also have the chance to obtain student perspectives from studying at the Faculty of Medicine.
It is a great opportunity to learn about graduate schools, medical school, and other biomedically relevant programs. We will have two stellar resident doctors to join us as guest speakers. Please stay tuned.
Event website here.
Student registration here.
If you have any questions regarding the Faculty of Medicine’s participation, please contact Cindy Cao, International Recruitment and Transition Officer directly at cindy.cao@utoronto.ca